5cm per Second (2010)

Byousoku 5 Centimeter / 秒速5センチメートル


  • Manga: 5cm per Second
    © 2010 Yukiko Seike, Kodansha Ltd.
    • Japanisch Byousoku 5 Centimeter
      Byōsoku 5 Centimeter
      Typ: Manga
      Status: Abgeschlossen
      Veröffentlicht: 25.05.2010 ‑ 25.03.2011
      Bände / Kapitel: 2 / 11
      Publisher: Kodansha Ltd.
      Mangaka: Makoto SHINKAI Autor Yukiko SEIKE Illustrator
      Adaptiert von: Anime
    • Englisch 5 Centimeters per Second
      Status: Abgeschlossen
      Veröffentlicht: 26.06.2012
      Bände / Kapitel: 1 / 11
      Publisher: Vertical
    • Deutsch 5cm per Second
      Status: Abgeschlossen
      Veröffentlicht: 08.10.2021 ‑ 03.12.2021
      Bände / Kapitel: 2 / 11
      Publisher: Egmont Manga


Kurz nachdem Akari Shinohara auf eine neue Schule wechselt, schließt sie rasch Freundschaft mit Takaki Tohno. Aufgrund ähnlicher Interessen und Ansichten, sowie unzähliger gemeinsamer Stunden in der Schulbibliothek entwickeln sie eine starke Bindung zueinander. Als die Eltern von Akari wegen eines neuen Jobangebotes in eine andere Stadt ziehen müssen, bleiben die beiden Freunde durch regen Briefkontakt in Verbindung, jedoch ändert sich dies mit der Zeit und allmählich leben sie sich auseinander.
Takaki Tohno quickly befriends Akari Shinohara when she transfers to his school. They grow closer to each other due to similar interests and attitudes; for instance, they both prefer to stay inside during recess due to their constitutions. As a result, they form a strong bond.

Upon ending their school year, Akari moves to Tochigi, due to her parents' jobs. The two keep in contact by writing letters, but eventually begin to drift apart.
Texto de presentación:
Este manga se centra en la vida de dos jóvenes japoneses y los cambios vitales que experimenta su relación durante dos décadas. Desde que se conocieron en primaria hasta sus primeros años en la edad adulta, las vidas de ambos sufren cambios que dejarán huella y cambiarán el devenir de su existencia.

Testo della bandella:

Takaki e Akari si sono conosciuti sui banchi della scuola elementare e da allora, nonostante la vita li abbia separati, il ragazzo non ha mai smesso di pensare all’amica. La nostalgia che prova è talmente forte da spingerlo a cercarla anche dopo molti anni. Finite le elementari, Akari si trasferisce in un’altra città e Tanaki, con il passare del tempo, si rende conto che in lui sta maturando un sentimento che va oltre l’amicizia...

Hauptgenres / Nebengenres / Tags




  • Takaki TOONO

    Every minute felt like an eternity time, clearly as if it had malicious intent, slowly ebbed away from me, I clenched my teeth and keeping myself from crying was the only thing I could do…

  • Takaki TOONO

    It must really be a lonelier journey than anyone could imagine. Cutting through absolute darkness, encountering nothing but the occasional hydrogen atom. Flying blindly into the abyss, believing therein lie the answers to the mysteries of the universe.

  • Takaki TOONO

    And right then it felt like I finally understood where everything was, eternity, the heart , the soul. It was like I was sharing every experience I’d ever had in my past 13 years. And then, the next moment, I became unbearably sad. I didn’t know what to do with these feeling. Her warmth, her soul. How was I supposed to treat them? That, I did not know. Then right then, I clearly understood that we would never be together. Our lives not yet fully realized, the vast expanse of time. They lay before us and there was nothing we could do. But then, all my worries, all my doubt, started melting away. All that was left were Akari’s soft lips on mine.
    (Takaki Tono after kissing Akari Shinohara for the first time)

  • Takaki TOONO

    I’m just trying to live my life, but it seems as if sadness always piles itself up around me. It’s in my bed, the toothbrush in my bathroom, and the memory of my cellphone. Over the past few years, I’ve wanted to move on, I’ve wanted to take hold of something I couldn’t reach. What that is, I have no idea. Not knowing where such obsessive thoughts were coming from, I simply drowned myself in my work. Then one day I realized that my heart was withering, and in it there was nothing but pain. And one morning, I realized that my beliefs, that I once held so passionately, had completely disappeared. That was it, I couldn’t take it anymore, so I quit my job.




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