Trigun Maximum (1998)




Seit zwei Jahren, nach dem Fifth-Moon -Vorfall und der Auseinandersetzung mit Knives, ist Vash The Stampede, der 60-Milliarden-$$-Mann, spurlos verschwunden. Gerüchte besagen, dass er für das riesige Loch auf dem Mond verantwortlich sein soll, doch niemand weiß, wo er sich befindet... Was ist mit dem Humanoid-Taifun geschehen?
Vash The Stampede rises again! It’s been two years since the mysterious and super-nice gunman went into hiding, and the people of his desert planet are suffering. It takes a friend in peril to bring him out, and when he does, his enemies come well as those crazy insurance girls, Milly and Meryl. And Wolfwood the wandering priest? Well, that’s who found him in the first place! The gang’s all back, and the trouble is coming in TRIGUN MAXIMUM.
Texto de presentación:
Trigun Maximum es la continuación de Trigun, de la que continúa la historia. ¿Y qué es Trigun? Pues todo un westernazo futurista con mucho humor. Vash la Estampida es el protagonista de este manga, un pistolero no muy espabilado pero con gran capacidad para crear desastres allí donde va. Para asegurarse de que no rompa nada, viaja acompañado de dos agentes de la compañía de seguros, Meryl y Milly, quienes intentarán poner algo de freno a las descabelladas ideas de Vash. Un futuro algo siniestro y tan profundo como divertido sirve de paisaje a las aventuras y desventuras de este grupo de pistoleros.
Testo della bandella:
Un uomo tranquillo, un ragazzo innocuo. Eric non è altro che questo per tutti i suoi concittadini, ed in particolar modo per la giovane Rina e l’anziana Sheril che lo hanno adottato. Ma quando la vita di Rina è minacciata da una banda di malviventi, il giovane ed inetto Eric non esita a rischiare la vita pur di salvarla. Nessuno si sarebbe mai aspettato una cosa simile da lui. Nessuno tranne forse un misterioso straniero, un uomo che dice di essere un sacerdote ed insiste nel chiamarlo Vash...
Hauptgenres / Nebengenres / Tags




  • Vash The Stampede

    You killed them. Even though they did terrible things, the decision of who should and who should not live was never and never will be yours to make!

  • Vash The Stampede

    And I’m known for my bullets never missing their mark. Especially if it’s the heart of a beautiful lady. BANG!

  • Vash The Stampede

    Why am i crying in french?!

  • Vash The Stampede

    No one has the right to decide whether a person will live or die.

  • Vash The Stampede

    Death and Misery love me…they brought friends.




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